
Sharia Cooperation as a micro financial institution does its function to collect and distribute money. Sharia cooperation, as how it works, is initiated by its members, for the members, and from the members. Therefore, the fund channeling done by sharia cooperation is only focusing to the members’ welfare. On doing the business, BMT utilizes Sharia contracts such as mudharabah, musyarakah, murabahah, and many more. BMT which was established based on cooperation basic law, must follow the provisions from Ministry of Cooperation in carrying out the business activities.This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The results of this study are risk control measures in murabahah financing contained in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The form of risk control is directed at risk mitigation actions, if risk mitigation is less accurate it will lead to problematic financing. To reduce the number of problematic financing is carried out with preventive measures when submitting, analyzing, realizing and paying off. By focusing on these stages, the possibility of a risk can be minimized.Keywords: Risk, Financing Risk, Murabahah Agreement, Sharia Cooperative, BMT

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