
We study the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 2627, located at a distance of ∼2 kpc, using UVIT/AstroSat and other archival data. Using a machine learning-based algorithm, ML-MOC, on the Gaia DR3 data, we identify 422 cluster members, including four blue straggler stars (BSSs), one yellow straggler star (YSS), one blue lurker (BL), one red clump (RC) star, and two binary candidates with detection in both UVIT/F148W and UVIT/F169M filters. We characterise them using multiwavelength spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Out of the above nine sources, one BSS, the BL, and one binary candidate have a source nearby; hence, we did not fit their SEDs. Of the remaining six sources, we successfully fit two with single-component SEDs and four with binary-component SEDs. The binary-component SED-based parameters indicate that the hot companions of BSSs, the YSS, the RC star, and the binary candidate are extremely low-mass white dwarfs, confirming that at least four out of nine stars (44%) are formed via the mass transfer channel. We fit King’s profile function to the high-probability (p > 0.8) cluster members and estimate the cluster core radius (r C ) to be 3.84′ and the tidal radius (r t ) to be 36.85′. We find that the equal-mass binaries are most concentrated towards the cluster center, followed by the single massive stars, and single low-mass stars. The BSS population of the cluster is also found to be located within a radius r ∼ 10 × r C from the cluster center, suggesting the dynamical evolution of the cluster.

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