
In this paper we present an unwrapping weighted algorithm to analyze phase maps obtained by fringe projection 3-D profilometry. Phase unwrapping is a critical step in any phase measurement technique in which the height of an object is obtained from phase data. Indeed, when a complex object is measured, abrupt and irregular changes in the measured surface may result in local shadows. In shadow areas the observed phase data are uncertain or misleading. These zones yield “lacunae”, in the reconstruction of the 3D model. In this work we propose a new phase unwrapping method able to mitigate the “lacunae” problem by interpolation of phase data. The case of an image containing regions without phase information is treated, in our algorithm in the following manner: (a) phase inconsistencies are handled by excluding invalid pixels from the unwrapping process though the assignment of zero-valued weights; (b) an unwrapped phase map is obtained by an algorithm based on robust, path-independent method of phase unwrapping; (c) the lacks (zones of phase inconsistencies) are eliminated by means of an suitable procedure of interpolation; (d) a rewrapping procedure is used to obtain wrapped phase map without initial inconsistencies; (e) a new unwrapped phase map is obtained by the same algorithm used in step-b but with weights different from zero. The robustness of the proposed phase-unwrapping method is then tested computationally and experimentally and its enhancement is proven through the simulation and experimental results.

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