
ABSTRACT Urban pedestrian paths are vital for safe and accessible foot travel, promoting walkability and benefiting individuals and communities. However, these paths face challenges. One major issue is the lack of investment in pedestrian infrastructure, particularly in low-income areas and developing nations. This leads to poor-quality sidewalks, inadequate pedestrian amenities such as lighting and seating, and a lack of shade. Additionally, pedestrian paths often lack connectivity with other transportation modes like public transit and bike-sharing systems, making it difficult for people to access these services, especially those with mobility impairments. Urbanization also leads to increased traffic and higher speeds on roads, posing greater risks for pedestrians. Poor-quality crosswalks, inadequate traffic-calming measures, and insufficient enforcement of traffic laws further compound these dangers. A case study conducted in New Cairo, Egypt, aims to analyze the impact of urban redevelopment on pedestrian flow and behavior The site was studied by the authors through their on-site drawings and observations, and then Geographic Information System (GIS) was utilized for analysis. Combining scientific literature, site analysis from September 2022, and a comparison with the real upgrades in February 2023, the study utilizes data collection methods like pedestrian count and surveys. By employing GIS, the study examines changes in pedestrian movement patterns and behaviors before and after the redevelopment of specific areas in New Cairo. The study’s findings offer significant insights to urban planners and policymakers, guiding them in the design and execution of urban redevelopment projects that improve the pedestrian experience and foster walkability.

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