
Purpose: This study seeks to investigate the intricate correlation between employee engagement and organizational success, with a particular emphasis on the impact of supervisor behaviors on this association.
 Design/Methodology/Approach: This study utilized a quantitative approach to investigate the relationship between organizational success and employee engagement in IT-related firms located in Pakistan. The data was gathered by disseminating self-administered questionnaires to individuals, employing convenience sampling techniques. 280 responses were collected and subsequently evaluated using various statistical techniques.
 Findings: The proposed linkages were confirmed through subsequent examination using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that the behavior of supervisors has a significant influence on how employee engagement directly affects the overall performance of the firm.
 Implications/Originality/Value: The provided discoveries hold significant implications for companies aiming to improve employee engagement and attain a lasting competitive advantage. By giving priority to leadership strategies that offer support and empowerment, companies can develop a more engaged workforce, leading to enhanced productivity and in general organizational performance.

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