
Southern Peru contains important epithermal Au–Ag (±base metals) deposits, such as Canahuire, Tucari, Santa Rosa, Caylloma, Shila and Paula. The Chapi Chiara gold prospect is located in this region and is part of a paleo-stratovolcano of the Upper Miocene–Pliocene. The hydrothermal alteration of the prospect was characterized based on spectroradiometric data, geochemistry and petrography. The mineralogical data, interpreted based on reflectance spectroscopy, were spatialized using the sequential indicator simulation technique for producing probabilistic maps of alteration. The inner part of the paleo-stratovolcano (SW sector) is marked by three main cores of advanced argillic alteration (AAA) (quartz–alunite supergroup minerals–kaolinite–dickite±topaz±pyrophyllite±diaspore) associated with topographic highs. The AAA1 core is surrounded by argillic alteration (quartz–illite–paragonitic illite–smectite±pyrite) and propylitic alteration (quartz–plagioclase–chlorite–calcite–epidote–smectite±kaolinite±pyrite±chalcopyrite±magnetite). The central sector of the prospect, situated in the NE flank of the paleo-stratovolcano, is characterized by hydrothermal breccias structured towards N65E. The main mineral phases comprise quartz and abundant pyrite, sometimes with traces of As. Anomalous geochemical values of Ag, As, Bi, Hg, Se, Sb and Te coincide with high gold contents in this sector of the prospect. Jarosite and goethite are evidence of a subsequent supergene event. Based on the mineralogical characterization, we conclude the existence of a high sulfidation epithermal system in Chapi Chiara. Hypogene minerals of higher temperature in the SW sector of the prospect, such as diaspore, pyrophyllite and topaz in the AAA zone, and epidote in the propylitic alteration zone, can reveal that the system is currently in a relatively deep erosion level, suggesting its proximity in relation to the interface between a deep epithermal system and a mesothermal system.

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