
Inner exploration, also known as self-discovery, is a transforming journey that allows an individual to understand their emotions, thoughts, and desires. During inner exploration, an individual delves deep into their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, thereby uncovering hidden aspects about themselves and gaining a profound sense of self-awareness. Furthermore, inner exploration helps an individual to identify and release their limited feelings and negative patterns of thinking, which may be holding them back from attaining their full potential. It allows one to challenge the narratives they have constructed about themselves and the world, unfolding new possibilities and perspectives. By focusing on one’s fears and insecurities, an individual can confront and overcome them, thereby making provisions for personal growth and transformation. This paper focuses on the life journeys of two protagonists Anuj and Neel from the novels Everything I Never Told You and A Girl to Remember, respectively, and explores how tremendous changes in their mind set helped them realise the ways towards inner exploration. Although the two stories move forward in different directions altogether, they seem to meet at a common point where the protagonists from both stories eventually experienced inner awakening even after they took diametrically different routes. Anuj is attempting to solve the riddle of his life, whereas Neel is not even aware that transformation is awaiting him. The present paper also attempts to explore the role of various female characters in bringing about the transformation and guiding the protagonists in their inner journey of finding the ultimate truth of their lives.

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