
Writing essays is one of the activities that teachers frequently delegate to their classes; yet, it is also one of the many challenges that many students experience because it appears to be a dreaded task among them. Whether it is for a class assignment, a scholarship, or even a competition, many students find that the work of writing an essay to be quite challenging. Students have a tendency to ignore the significance of essay construction because of this fact alone, which elucidates that the difficulty is constantly present throughout the process of writing. This is the reason why students underestimate the relevance of essay building. The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree to which students in Grade 11 ABM have mastered the creation of essays within the framework of the subject of writing a summary of the results of the test that was carried out with the objective of determining the level of writing ability exhibited by the outputs produced by the respondents. The method of research used in this study was quantitative. In this particular investigation, a quantitative research design was utilized as the appropriate method of inquiry. A strategy that centers primarily on the application of analytical content evaluation. The assessment of overall essay construction performance revealed a substantial challenge. The findings highlight a considerable proportion of students grappling with challenges in their essay construction skills. Consequently, the study advocates for the implementation of an intervention program, termed the Writing Excellence Enhancement Program (WEEP).

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