
Millions of tons of solid waste, mostly plastics, are annually dumped into the oceans, posing a major 21st-century environmental threat. Commercial shipping and ocean gyres exacerbate pollution on remote islands, resulting in the widespread presence of microplastics throughout the marine environment. Most of this pollution is plastics, and its fragmentation originates from microplastics (particles smaller than 5 mm). These debris are ubiquitous throughout the marine environment, dispersed among beaches, estuaries, on the water surface, and even on the seafloor. This study was carried out on São Miguel Island, Azores, where sediment samples were collected and analysed for microplastic (MP) abundance and dimension across eight areas covering the entire coastline of the island. Each area was divided into four sites along an inland–coastal gradient, from the stream to the ocean (upstream, downstream, coastal, and submerged marine sediments), following a nested design approach. In addition to this first method, 15 beaches, spread along the island’s shore, were also tested and compared. Fibres were the most common type of microplastic, with varying levels of abundance across different locations. Abundance generally increased closer to the coast, but there were occasional instances of high upstream concentrations due to heavy rains, which then accumulated near coastlines and beaches. This study revealed an important local MP source from an apparently pristine touristic region which, aligned with other recent findings, unveils an important and silent pollution issue potentially affecting oceanic islands that should be seriously addressed in future studies and raise concern for litter management and mitigation and environmental awareness actions.

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