
In shaping the Indian identity and Indian literature Hinduism has played a central role it  has been a treasure trove of diverse cultural expressions. The perceptions and interpretations of Hinduism of Indian poets offer unique understanding into the complexities and fine points of Indianness. The present study aims to explore how poets in Indian literature have presented Hinduism, suppling a deep insight of the religion's influence on the Indian psyche. The present study delves into the exploration of "Indianness" in Indian literature by the lens of Hinduism's profusive influence. Indian literature topography reflects a unique amalgamation of languages, religions, traditions, and perspectives, contributing to the heterogenous cultural identity of the nation. The present study investigates the significant influence of Hinduism on poetry during focusing Bhakti Movement. It delves into the works of Bhakti saints i.e.  Kabir, Mirabai, Surdas, and Tulsidas, whose verses revolutionized the depicted Hinduism by spotlighting a personal and emotional connection with the divine. The expressions of love, devotion, and spirituality by Bhakti poets resonate with the core values of Hinduism, jubilation the timeless essence of "Indianness" and the cultural values of India. Moreover, the present study analyses modern Indian poetry with its continued inspiration of Hindu themes. Modern Poets such as Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, and Kamala Das comprised Hindu philosophical concepts, deities, and rituals to explore the complexities of human emotions and spiritual truths. Their verses represented the enduring role of Hinduism in shaping the spiritual essence that weaves together modern India, which highlights the universal enchantment of Hindu spirituality and its contribution to the Indian literature. Eventually, the present study reveals Hinduism's influence on Indian literature which transcends time and space, reflection of interconnectedness of culture, spirituality, and the soul of the nation. The picture of "Indianness" in Indian literature applauds the rich cultural heritage, inclusivity, and pluralism of nation, and offering profound understanding into the enduring spiritual values that maintain to inspire generations of readers.

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