
This research gives an overview of the existing gender differences prevalent in our society by exemplifying how even our educational textbooks are not devoid of these dissimilarities. The goal of the study is to thoroughly compare the representations of both genders in the two textbooks of Punjab used for classes i.e. 4th and 5th. The study aims to investigate how the women are treated differently in the ESL Textbooks taught in primary sections of the schools of Punjab. It evaluates the reasons of why the women are treated stereotypically in the same books. Through content analysis, the results indicated that both textbooks had a gender-biased approach. Simultaneously, it discovered somewhat fixed attitudes on characteristics, professions, and activities appropriate for individuals of both sexes. The findings also confirmed the reality that women, in the textbooks are not described as valuable as men. The recommendations have also been offered at the end of this study on the basis of findings in order to accentuate the need to revisit the material in ESL textbooks prescribed by Punjab Textbook Board that would contribute to the improvement of the English textbooks in order to curb the effects of existing stereotyping material.

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