
The effect of redox-active amines NH2R (R = OH or NH2) on the period-four oscillation pattern of oxygen evolution has been analyzed in isolated spinach thylakoids as a function of the redox state Si (i = 0, ..., 3) of the water oxidase. The following results were obtained: (a) In dark-adapted samples with a highly populated S1 state, NH2R leads via a dark reaction sequence to the formal redox state "S-1"; (b) the reaction mechanism is different between the NH2R species; NH2OH acts as a one-electron donor, whereas NH2NH2 mainly functions as a two-electron donor, regardless of the interacting redox state Si (i = 0, ..., 3). For NH2NH2, the modified oxygen oscillation patterns strictly depend upon the initial ratio [S0(0)]/[S1(0)] before the addition of the reductant; while due to kinetic reasons, for NH2OH this dependence largely disappears after a short transient period. (c) The existence of the recently postulated formal redox state "S-2" is confirmed not only in the presence of NH2NH2 [Renger, G., Messinger, J., & Hanssum, B. (1990) in Current Research in Photosynthesis (Baltscheffsky, M., Ed.) Vol. 1, pp 845-848, Kluwer, Dordrecht] but also in the presence of NH2OH. (d) Activation energies, EA, of 50 kJ/mol were determined for the NH2R-induced reduction processes that alter the oxygen oscillation pattern from dark-adapted thylakoids. (e) Although marked differences exist between NH2OH and NH2NH2 in terms of the reduction mechanism and efficiency (which is about 20-fold in favor of NH2OH), both NH2R species exhibit the same order of rate constants as a function of the redox state Si in the nonperturbed water oxidase: kNH2R(S0) greater than kNH2R(S1) much less than kNH2R(S2) much greater than kNH2R(S3) The large difference between S2 and S3 in their reactivity toward NH2R is interpreted to indicate that a significant change in the electronic configuration and nuclear geometry occurs during the S2----S3 transition that makes the S3 state much less susceptible to NH2R. The implications of these findings are discussed with special emphasis on the possibility of complexed peroxide formation in redox state S3 postulated previously on the basis of theoretical considerations [Renger, G. (1978) in Photosynthetic Water Oxidation (Metzner, H., Ed.) pp 229-248, Academic Press, London].

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