
Abstract Eczema herpeticum (EH), known as Kaposi varicelliform eruption presents with multiple vesiculopustular lesions localized to areas of preexisting eczematous or erosive dermatoses. Most commonly seen in atopic dermatitis but colocalization with tinea cruris and corporis is atypical. In our case, multiple vesicles, pustules, and small crusted erosions associated with pain were seen confined to the areas of dermatophytosis. Tzanck smear from vesicles showed multiple multinucleated giant cells and acantholytic cells. In view of strong clinical suspicion and the presence of multinucleated giant cells, she was prescribed oral acyclovir 400 mg thrice a day for 7 days. She was reviewed after a week with complete clearance of the vesicles and crusting.

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