
Current evidence suggests that distinct mechanisms exist to regulate precursor synthesis for nuclear and mitochondrial DNA replication. We tested this is mouse L cells by asking whether nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs become labeled to equivalent specific activities when provided with an exogenous nucleic acid precursor. Cells were grown in [32P]orthophosphate-containing medium long enough to bring all pools to equivalent specific activities. [6-3H]Uridine was added to the medium as a general pyrimidine precursor. At intervals, cells were harvested and nuclear and mitochondrial DNA was isolated. After enzymatic hydrolysis of each DNA fraction to deoxyribonucleoside 5'-monophosphates, these were separated by high performance liquid chromatography and the 3H/32P ratio in each pyrimidine was determined as an index of the specific activity of DNA pyrimidine residues. The dTMP residues in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA reached roughly equal specific activities and at comparable rates. However, dCMP residues in mitochondrial DNA reached maximal specific activities more rapidly than those in nuclear DNA, and the maximal values attained were nearly twice those seen either with the nuclear DNA dCMP residues or in the dTMP residues from either DNA. This indicates that the pathways leading to dCTP synthesis are organized so that mitochondria can use exogenous precursors more effectively than can the nucleus. The nature of this compartmentation is not clear, but it evidently involves one or more steps beyond the divergence point between pathways to dCTP and dTTP.

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