
Encephaloceles are rare manifestations, and occur most freuently in the occipital region. Temporal lobe encephaloceles are efined as pathological herniations of brain parenchyma through ura mater and bone, and they involve the middle cranial fossa r lateral temporal cranial vault. The majority of cases of tempoal encephalocele reported in the literature to date have presented ith complaints of epilepsy or ear disturbance (e.g., hearing loss, torrhea, otitis media with or without rhinorrhea, and recurrent eningitis) [1]. We present herein a rare case of lateral temporal encephaloele presenting with dizziness and imbalance. Interestingly, the ncephalocele sac was bulging into the left transverse sinus. The atient’s complaints were considered to be due to the impact of he encephalocele sac on the shape and flow hemodynamics of he transverse sinus, which is also another unusual aspect of the ase.

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