
Vegetative branch buds of C. lutescens are non-axillary and occur within an abaxial, tubular extension of the leaf sheath, either at the base of a shoot or aerially, a position unusual for palms. Buds are initiated on the abaxial surface of a leaf during its first plastochron (the youngest leaf primordium). The foliar origin of the vegetative bud appears to be unique for angiosperms. In contrast, inflorescence buds are axillary and are initiated as an adaxial ridge on the base of a leaf during its third plastochron (the third primordium from the apex). Aerial branches and basal suckers are developmentally identical and changes in their phyllotaxis are described. As far as can be established by comparative morphology, other species of Chrysalidocarpus have the same type of branch development as in C. lutescens. The development of branches is related to the morphogenetic characteristics of arborescent monocotyledons.

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