
Summary The present genecological approach focuses on infraspecific differentiation in facultative weeds (= weed species which grow on arable land as well as other sites). For that purpose diaspores of two annuals (Galium aparine and Lapsana communis) were collected at several different habitats and cultivated under uniform garden conditions. Some morphological, anatomical and phenological features of the developping plants were investigated. The existence of distinct genetically fixed races (ecotypes sensu T uresson ) was proven. The types of G. aparine differ e.g. in shape of cotyledons, hairiness of stems, colour of stem edges, length of fruit spines; those of L. communis in size of cotyledons, some growth characters, time of flowering during the day and the year, size and weight of achenes and shape of mature capitula. Finally the adaptive significance of some of the characters found is discussed and some general reflections about ecotype research in weeds are made.

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