
Abstract Investigations about the yield formation of Winter Wheat Cultivars with Short and Long Straw. The yield formation of winter wheat cvs with semi‐dwarf, short straw and long straw growth habit was investigated over three years in field and glasshouse trials.The cv with semi‐dwarf growth habit had less earbearing tillers and spikelets per ear, an essential lower reduction rate of spikelets and more kernels per spikelet. This cv ranged medium in thousand kernel weight (tkw). Cvs with short straw differed from cvs with long straw through a lower reduction rate of tillers and a lower tkw.No differences were found in the time of development of generative organs in specific growth phases. Cvs with short straw had advantages in assimilation by means of higher leaf area indices from tiller formation till anthesis and a better light penetration in the canopy due to a more erect leaf orientation. These characters may have been decisive for the higher survival of tillers. The cvs with a long straw however had a higher tkw, properly due to a less compact ear and a higher assimilate gain during kernel filling. Only small differences were found in root growth in favour of the cvs with short straw. The semi‐dwarf cv had the shortest roots. The cv “Kanzler” with a long straw had the best drought resistance.

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