
Three bulls with an average live weight of 228 kg were fitted with ileo-caecal reentrant cannulas for the experiment. The rations were composed of 3 kg maize silage and 3 kg wheat straw pellets per animal and day. In a previous period 50% of the digesta was collected over 12 hours and stored deep-frozen. In the main period the digesta flow was interrupted for 30 hours. The digesta flow was collected quantitatively. In the caecal part of the re-entrant cannula previously collected digesta and starch (over 30 hours) as well as 15N urea (over 24 hours) were supplemented. The amount of starch corresponded to about 10% of the DM of the digesta. Analyses of the urine, faeces, ileum digesta and blood plasma were carried out. The quota of starch clearly stimulates bacterial processing in the large intestine so that 20.5% of the supplemented 15N was excreted in faeces within 24 hours. 91.2% of the 15N in the faeces was localised in the bacteria fraction. Individual differences of the animals distinctly show the connection between the excretion of the 15N in faeces and urine. A decreased isotope excretion in faeces of 17.2% for animal 3 in contrast to the 23% for animals 1 and 2 showed an increased elimination of the 15N through the kidney with 32.7% instead of 25.2%. The largest proportion of the ileum digesta, i.e. 46%, can be localised in the 15N urea fraction; the NH3-fraction is also distinctly labelled. With time progressing, the 15N quota flowing from the rumen to the small intestine increases.

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