
Five years ago any publication from Finland on the toxic properties of then little known complex munition chemicals would have commanded scant attention. Today, contrariwise, this publication is of immediate significance for all physicians, chemists and engineers concerned with munitions. With arsenals springing up all over the country it becomes conceivable that "tetryl poisoning" may become as close to all physicians as the omnipresent carbon monoxide poisoning. Written in the summer and fall of 1940 by a battalion physician just after the Finnish-Soviet war, this small publication (in German) presents his observations of the damaging effect on munition workers of numerous aromatic nitro compounds, chiefly trotyl and tetryl, and the substance better known in this country as mercury fulminate. In addition to his own observations from laboratory, clinical and necropsy material, the author furnishes critical literature appraisals and an extensive literature compilation. Noro's results are not in keeping with the

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