
AbstractDespite the recent improvements, there is still a problem of access to WASH services. This problem access is linked to poverty and inequality, which in turn cause difficulties in accessing water, thus creating a vicious cycle. This article analyses this vicious cycle using data from international organisations related to these issues. These data show how the lack of water access leads to limitations for households, which are deprived of employment or/and education due to the difficulty in obtaining water. This opportunity cost is the main mechanism through which the feedback between lack of access to water and economic poverty occurs. Not being able to obtain employment or/and education makes it impossible to get out of a precarious situation, which prevents the wider society to benefit from any economic gain, which in turn slows down the achievement of the goal of guaranteeing access to water for all. The responsibility lies with national and international institutions, which should not only focus on obtaining the necessary financial resources for infrastructure improvements, but also on having adequate governance to ensure water sustainability and equity.

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