
Southeastern Peninsular India witnessed heavy rainfall events (HRE) during the recent El Nino year 2015 and La Nina year 2021 in November and early December. Both these events were associated with enhanced easterly wave activity and active Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) over the Maritime continent. The MJO was on the fourth (MJO-4) phase for 15 and 17 days in November 2015 and 2021 respectively. A weakening in the positive correlation between El Nino and Northeast monsoon rainfall and a strengthening in the positive correlation between the MJO-4 days and HRE is observed in very recent years. This study revealed that the unequal changes in Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the Indo-Pacific region i.e., warming over the eastern Indian Ocean (IO) and cooling over the western Pacific Ocean can be favourable for the increased occurrence of MJO-4 days as well as HRE over southern Peninsular India. The easterly wind anomalies towards the southern Bay of Bengal (BoB) and southeastern Peninsular India and westerly wind anomalies over the central equatorial Indian Ocean are significantly correlated with HRE in the recent epoch (2001−2021). Warming in eastern IO brings easterlies from the cool western Pacific and westerlies from the western IO, which helps the MJO to remain active over maritime continent and inhibits its further eastward propagation. The HREs in the recent epoch are associated with the low-pressure systems and cyclonic circulation over southern Peninsular India, in which moisture transport is from the Arabian Sea to Peninsular India. The HRE in the early epoch (1981–2000) is related to the anticyclonic circulation over BoB region and the moisture transport is from BoB and southeastern IO. A proposed mechanism for the HRE in the recent epoch is as follows. The SST gradient in the Indo-Pacific Ocean is conducive for the moistening of MJO-4 region and is favourable for the enhanced easterly wave activity and the formation of low-pressure systems, which get strengthened while moving towards southern Peninsular India due to the presence of strong equatorial westerlies over IO. These strengthened low pressure systems leads to strong ascending wind anomalies over southern Peninsular India and strong descending anomalies over Central IO and HREs over southern Peninsular India.

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