
Currently, most real-world time series datasets are multivariate and are rich in dynamical information of the underlying system. Such datasets are attracting much attention; therefore, the need for accurate modelling of such high-dimensional datasets is increasing. Recently, the deep architecture of the recurrent neural network (RNN) and its variant long short-term memory (LSTM) have been proven to be more accurate than traditional statistical methods in modelling time series data. Despite the reported advantages of the deep LSTM model, its performance in modelling multivariate time series (MTS) data has not been satisfactory, particularly when attempting to process highly non-linear and long-interval MTS datasets. The reason is that the supervised learning approach initializes the neurons randomly in such recurrent networks, disabling the neurons that ultimately must properly learn the latent features of the correlated variables included in the MTS dataset. In this paper, we propose a pre-trained LSTM-based stacked autoencoder (LSTM-SAE) approach in an unsupervised learning fashion to replace the random weight initialization strategy adopted in deep LSTM recurrent networks. For evaluation purposes, two different case studies that include real-world datasets are investigated, where the performance of the proposed approach compares favourably with the deep LSTM approach. In addition, the proposed approach outperforms several reference models investigating the same case studies. Overall, the experimental results clearly show that the unsupervised pre-training approach improves the performance of deep LSTM and leads to better and faster convergence than other models.


  • Recent advances in sensors and measurement technology have led to the collection of high-dimensional datasets from multiple sources recorded over time

  • We assess the performance of the long short-term memory (LSTM)-stacked autoencoders (SAEs) model and compare its performance with the reference model DLSTM5 to solve the same problems using the same datasets that are described in the previous section

  • We did not increase the number of hidden layers; in particular, we found that the error values did not change, and the performance is still the same

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It is demonstrated that analysing UTS data is easy and common; analysing MTS data is complex due to the correlated signals involved[29]. Learning the features from unlabelled data in advance, which is called pre-training, is much better than learning them from hand-crafted features[33,34] Beside these advantages, the most important advantage is the ability to stack several feature representations layers to create deep architectures[20], which are more capable of modelling complex structures and correlated features that are included in MTS problems[12,30]. We start to fine-tune the model in a supervised learning fashion, where the input is a sequence of MTS data in time step t and the label is the value of the corresponding variable (the variable that we need to predict its future values) from the MTS data in the time step t + 1 In this phase, we evaluate the prediction of DLSTM using out-of-sample testing data. For the implementation phase of our model, we used the Keras library[63]

Experimental Results
Analysis and Discussion
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