
We describe a set of Cultural Consensus Theory (CCT) models for analyzing review and questionnaire data. The basic single culture/cluster model can be used to estimate user competencies, user biases, and aggregate review scores. The model is unsupervised and only utilizes the input review scores. A maximum likelihood approach is used to estimate the model. We expand existing work by developing a clusterwise multi-culture continuous CCT model, for which we use the acronym CONSCLUS (CONSensus CLUStering). The original single culture CCT model is a special one-cluster case of CONSCLUS. We show that when all user competencies are equal, CONSCLUS is equivalent to k-means clustering. CONSCLUS is estimated using an alternating least squares variant of the algorithm for k-means clustering, which we denote as CCT-Means. CONSCLUS is a partitioning clustering technique. We describe extensions to CONSCLUS to incorporate fuzzy clustering and overlapping clustering.We run a series of simulation experiments using generated data with random error. We test both the single cluster and multiple cluster models. These experiments show that CONSCLUS is able to recover aggregate rating values and latent cluster assignments better than a range of other aggregation methods. The performance increase over the other aggregation methods is particularly strong when the users have varying competencies. We give an illustrative example using the Movielens dataset. We give a set of recommendations for the practical implementation of CONSCLUS on real world data and show how the user competencies can be used to gain insight into these data that cannot be gained from simple partitioning clustering.

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