
Objectives: To evaluate the functional outcome of unstable thoracolumbarfractures fixed with pedicular screws and rods. Study Design: Descriptive case series. Setting:Department of Orthopedics and Spine surgery Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital Lahore. Period:February 2013 to October 2015. Material & Methods: Patients of either gender or all ageswith thoracolumbar fractures fulfilling the inclusion criteria were fixed with pedicular screwsand rods under general anesthesia. Post operatively patients were reviewed monthly for oneyear and results were analyzed according to modified McNab criteria as excellent, good, fairand poor at final follow up. Results: A total of 281 patients including 193(68.68%) males and88(31.32%) females with mean age 28.32 years (range 18 to 60 years) were included in ourstudy. Majority (91 patients) had fractures of L1 followed by L2 (73 patients) fracture and D12(67 patients) fracture. Pre operatively 95(33.81%) were neurologically graded as Frankle gradeD,73 (25.98%) grade C while 49(17.44%) were graded as Frankle grade E.Post operatively finalfollow up at one year yielded excellent clinical outcome in majority (91.46%,n=257) while goodand fair outcomes were reported in 6.41%(18 patients), and 2.14%(6 patients) respectivelyaccording to modified McNab criteria. No post op neurological detoriation, mortality or othermajor complication was reported in the study. Conclusion: Pedicular screw and rod fixationfor unstable thoracolumbar fractures gave excellent functional results in majority of patient as itreduces complications of recumbency and helps in early mobilization. We recommend it as afirst line treatment for such fractures.

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