
Unseen noise estimation is a key yet challenging step to make a speech enhancement algorithm work in adverse environments. At worst, the only prior knowledge we know about the encountered noise is that it is different from the involved speech. Therefore, by subtracting the components which cannot be adequately represented by a well defined speech model, the noises can be estimated and removed. Given the good performance of deep learning in signal representation, a deep auto encoder (DAE) is employed in this work for accurately modeling the clean speech spectrum. In the subsequent stage of speech enhancement, an extra DAE is introduced to represent the residual part obtained by subtracting the estimated clean speech spectrum (by using the pre-trained DAE) from the noisy speech spectrum. By adjusting the estimated clean speech spectrum and the unknown parameters of the noise DAE, one can reach a stationary point to minimize the total reconstruction error of the noisy speech spectrum. The enhanced speech signal is thus obtained by transforming the estimated clean speech spectrum back into time domain. The above proposed technique is called separable deep auto encoder (SDAE). Given the under-determined nature of the above optimization problem, the clean speech reconstruction is confined in the convex hull spanned by a pre-trained speech dictionary. New learning algorithms are investigated to respect the non-negativity of the parameters in the SDAE. Experimental results on TIMIT with 20 noise types at various noise levels demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the conventional baselines.

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