
To report on the outcomes of unsedated blue laser therapy in female patients with Reinke's edema. Retrospective chart review. A retrospective chart review of female patients undergoing unsedated office-based blue laser treatment of Reinke's edema between February 2020 and March 2022 at the Hamdan Voice and Swallowing Unit at the American University of Beirut Medical Center in Beirut, was conducted. Patients were assessed before and after the procedure with a follow-up interval of 3-6 weeks. Demographic data included age, history of smoking and grade of Reinke's edema. Voice outcome measures included the Voice Handicap Index-10 questionnaire, perceptual evaluation (GRBAS scale), acoustic analysis and maximum phonation time. Vocal fold lesions were evaluated using indirect laryngeal endoscopy. A total of eight patients were reviewed. The mean age was 59.63 ± 7.98 years. One patient was lost to follow-up. We report on a total of 10 Reinke's edema lesions treated with the blue laser. There was a significant decrease in the mean VHI-10 score (14.86 ± 5.84-6.71 ± 7.32; P < 0.01) as well as in the means of three perceptual evaluation parameters (G, R, B; P < 0.05). There was also a nonstatistically significant increase in the mean fundamental frequency and habitual pitch. Laryngeal examination showed complete regression in 50% of the lesions, and partial regression in the remaining 50%. Office-based blue laser treatment of Reinke's edema under local anesthesia can be considered an effective treatment modality as evidenced by improvement in post-procedure voice outcome measures.

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