
A triploid hybrid, which was obtained from interspecific crosses between tetraploid Primula denticulata (2n = 4x = 44) and P. rosea (2n = 2x = 22), successfully produced 11 plants by backcrossing with pollen of tetraploid P. denticulata. Analysis of ploidy level using flow cytometry and chromosome counting in the 11 BC1 plants revealed that all progeny had much larger DNA contents and chromosome number than both parents. In this triploid-tetraploid (3x–4x) crossing, progeny was predominantly true or near pentaploid presumably produced by the fertilization between true or near triploid female gamete produced from triploid hybrid and diploid pollen of tetraploid P. denticulata. These results suggest that unreduced (3x) or near triploid female gametes were partially produced by single step meiosis, either first-division restitution or second-division restitution process. The zygotes formed by the fertilization between true or near triploid egg produced by single step meiosis in triploid hybrid and diploid pollen produced by normal meiosis of tetraploid P. denticulata might be the only survivors in embryogenesis.

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