
Plant breeding has witnessed a transformative evolution, transitioning from traditional practices to a paradigm fueled by advanced genetic techniques. This review delves into the multifaceted journey of plant breeding, emphasizing its contemporary intersection with modern genetic tools. We highlight the immense potential these tools, from high-throughput sequencing to genome editing, offer in redefining crop enhancement. The significant strides made in areas like Marker Assisted Selection (MAS), Genomic Selection (GS), and omics technologies are discussed, underscoring their role in creating resilient, high-yield, and nutritionally-enhanced crops. The adoption of these technologies is not devoid of challenges. The paper examines technical hurdles, ethical debates, intellectual property concerns, and socioeconomic barriers that stand in the way of universal adoption. Furthermore, we explore emerging technologies poised to further revolutionize the domain and emphasize the role of interdisciplinary collaboration in driving future breakthroughs. Strategies to foster global dissemination and adoption of these techniques are also presented, highlighting the crucial role of robust policy frameworks and regulatory guidance. As the global community confronts escalating food security concerns against a backdrop of climate change, this review underscores the indispensability of modern genetic tools in paving the way forward, while also cognizant of the intricate challenges that lie ahead

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