
This review delves into the intricate interplay between osteoporosis, its treatment approaches, and oral health. The examination underscores the substantial impact of osteoporosis, characterized by reduced bone density, on various oral health parameters such as periodontal health, tooth loss, and jawbone density. While pharmacological interventions, including bisphosphonates and hormone replacement therapy, play a crucial role in managing osteoporosis, they necessitate careful consideration, particularly about the risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw. A comprehensive approach involving collaboration between dentists and healthcare providers is imperative for holistic patient care. Implementing screening protocols for osteoporosis in dental settings and meticulously planning dental procedures for patients undergoing osteoporosis treatments are vital aspects of clinical practice. This review also sheds light on emerging trends in osteoporosis research, such as the influence of genetic factors and the microbiome, emphasizing the necessity for innovative treatment modalities. In conclusion, the review provides valuable insights into the nuanced connections between osteoporosis and oral health, thereby laying a foundation for informed clinical practices and guiding future research initiatives. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of optimizing dental procedures and assessing long-term oral health outcomes as critical avenues for future research endeavors.

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