
The formation of retention strategies has received little attention despite the difficulties in holding onto brilliant workers, which harms the performance of the organisation and its ability to grow sustainably. Therefore, to retain talented individuals for longer periods, the current study aims to evaluate and discuss employee retention strategies. This study looks at various strategies for keeping the young generation in the workforce in terms of work attitude (career advancement, work-life balance, and job security) to aid in their integration and retention, using Malaysia as a case study. 384 employees in the private sector completed a questionnaire, which was then evaluated using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Promotion, work-life balance, and job security were found to positively connect with employee retention, according to survey data. The study adds to a thorough analysis of the research on employee retention tactics in the Malaysian setting. To keep its personnel, the report suggests a strategy for updating its hiring and selection procedures. Moreover, the research offers targeted recommendations that will facilitate the development of employee retention tactics and procedures. The ramifications for management were also covered.

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