
HypothesisWe test the validity of the Young-Laplace equation and Henry’s law for sub-micron bubble suspensions, which has long been a questionable issue. Application of the two theories allows characterization of bubble diameter and gas molecule partitioning between gaseous and dissolved phases using two easily measurable variables: total gas content (CT) and bubble volume concentration (BVC). ExperimentsWe measure CT and BVC for sub-micron bubble suspensions generated from three pure gases, which allows calculation of bubble diameter for each suspension using the Young-Laplace equation and Henry’s law. Uncertainties involved in the experimental measurements are assessed. Bubble size for each suspension is also directly measured using a dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique for comparison. FindingsApplying the two theories we calculate that the bubble diameters are in the range of 304–518 nm, which correspond very well with the DLS-measured diameters. Sensitivity analyses demonstrate that the correspondence of the calculated and DLS-measured bubble diameters should take place only if the two theories are valid. The gas molecule partitioning analysis shows that >96% of gas molecules in the suspension exist as dissolved phase, which suggests the significance of the dissolved phase for applications of the bubble suspensions.

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