
This present investigation unveils a novel insight into the dominant airmass flows originating from both continental and maritime sources, shaping the characteristics of the raindrop size distribution (DSD), atmospheric instabilities, and cloud effective radius over Delhi (28.62°N, 77.17°E), the capital city of India. The investigation employs the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model to analyze airmass back trajectories corresponding to days featuring rain events within the study area. An observable pattern emerges: days with rainfall driven by continental (maritime) activities experience higher (lower) atmospheric instabilities, which is validated by radiosonde measurements. This enhanced atmospheric instability leads to the prevalence of larger raindrops during continental-influenced rain events, in contrast to days marked by maritime airflow, as estimated from surface-based disdrometer measurements. Furthermore, observations from the INSAT 3D/3DR satellite indicate a tendency towards a smaller cloud effective radius associated with continental airmass inflow, as opposed to maritime inflow. Notably, a category of rain events characterized by ambiguous airmass back trajectories, referred to as mixed types, is identified. These mixed events showcase intermediary variations in the investigated atmospheric parameters, positioning them between the continental and maritime scenarios. The discernible differences in DSD characteristics between rain events influenced by continental and maritime activities yield fluctuations in the radar reflectivity-rain rate (Z-R) power law relations, which bear significance for the application of rain radar remote sensing. Hence, this investigation underscores the critical implication of incorporating airmass source information while characterizing rain features and related atmospheric parameters over a capital metropolis like Delhi.

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