
This research examines how the local context plays a crucial role in shaping the social attitudes of primary school students, exploring the intricate relationship between the environment, culture, and the attitudes of young learners. This research employs a quasi-experimental design to investigate the influence of integrating local values into primary education on students' social attitudes. Utilizing quantitative and qualitative methods, the study compares an experimental group exposed to Integrated Primary School (IPS) materials infused with local values to a control group using standard curriculum. Findings reveal a significantly higher average social attitude score in the experimental group, indicating a stronger sense of belonging, appreciation for local wisdom, and commitment to integrity among students exposed to local values. Qualitative data from interviews and observations further highlight the relevance and empowerment fostered by integrating local values into the curriculum. These results underscore the importance of incorporating local context into education, emphasizing its role in shaping socially conscious and culturally aware students, and promoting a more harmonious society.

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