
This collection of essays, written over a period of time and published in Holland, is addressed to a learned audience. While most people know Dr. Meerloo through his contributions to social psychology (<i>Total War and the Human Mind</i>, 1946;<i>Delusion and Mass Delusion</i>, 1949;<i>The Two Faces of Man</i>, 1954;<i>That Difficult Peace</i>, 1961;<i>Suicide and Mass Suicide</i>, 1962) he written extensively in field of social communication. His books,<i>Conversation and Communication</i>(1952) and<i>Rape of the Mind</i>(1956), have now been followed by a number of articles collected in<i>Unobtrusive Communication</i>(1964). The field of social communication as distinct from machine communication has as its task the description and conceptualization of the processes that mediate human relations. Behind such studies lies, of the implicit hope that Knowledge of social communication will lead to some therapeutic or preventive procedures which would mitigate less desirable forms of human

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