
AbstractThis case study demonstrates the role of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) T1 spectra, as used to drill complex undeveloped carbonate formations offshore Abu Dhabi. The scope of this project exceeds the traditional porosity-permeability approach to exploit the wealth of information about the rock texture, pore size distribution, flow units and a new methodology of NMR T1 data processing.Evaluation of pore size distributions based on T1 vs. T2 spectra is addressed in two case study wells; one using a 6 ¾-in., and the other a 4 ¾-in. mandrel size for the first time in UAE. Finally, other log-derived permeabilities are presented, together with high-resolution microresistivity image interpretation and production log results in an integrated approach for improved understanding of the petrophysical character of these undeveloped units.NMR T1 measurements are utilized for the first time in the lateral sections as part of a bottomhole assembly (BHA) consisting of a rotary steerable system (RSS), and logging-while-drilling (LWD) sensors, including high-resolution microresistivity imaging, laterolog and azimuthal electromagnetic wave resistivities, thermal neutron porosity, azimuthal density, azimuthal multipole acoustic, ultrasonic caliper and near-bit azimuthal gamma ray. During NMR T1 measurements, the spin relaxation time carries information about the liquid-solid surface relaxation and bulk-fluid relaxation, hence, it is neither affected by rock internal magnetic field gradients nor by differences in fluid diffusivity. Also, T1 logging measurements are influenced by instrument artefacts to a much lesser extent than T2 results, having several advantages over T2, especially regarding polarization and tool motion while drilling.The real-time availability of NMR sourceless porosity measurements significantly improved drilling decisions to place the two case history wells into favourable zones and NMR T1 permeabilities were derived together with acoustic and high-resolution microresistivity image-based permeabilities which were then correlated to production logs.The results indicate that T1 measurements are an effective, practical solution for rock quality evaluation using LWD real-time datasets free from BHA motion and fluid diffusion effects. Comparisons of T1 and T2 logs show that T1 yields equivalent formation evaluation answers, despite its sparser nature.The T1 spectra facilitated improved pore size distribution, permeability estimation and marking of the hydraulic flow units in the heterogeneous, undeveloped Upper Jurassic reservoir units, paving the way for the consideration of T1 logging as a viable, and in some cases superior alternative to T2 logging. This paper presents the multidisciplinary approach used to benchmark and optimize the future field development program.

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