
Qualitative interviews provide invaluable insights into human experiences, but they can be challenging, especially for novice researchers. Therefore, conducting a preliminary study becomes crucial to refine interview techniques and improve the overall research process. The present study focuses on the importance of a preliminary study in understanding indigenous chicken micro-farming and aims to gain insights into the interview process and associated issues before conducting a full-scale study. This study represents the first attempt, to the best of our knowledge, to pilot interviews before conducting a comprehensive investigation in the context of indigenous chicken micro-farming. It highlights the methods employed in designing and conducting the preliminary study, as well as the valuable lessons learned throughout the process. The interviews were conducted with indigenous chicken micro-farmers as part of the preparation for a dissertation centered on developing an integrated supply chain model for indigenous chicken in Malaysia. Additionally, this study outlines the modifications made based on the preliminary study for the main study, which subsequently led to the implementation of a pilot study. These adaptations include changes to the interview guide, adjustments in vocabulary to enhance participant understanding, rephrasing of certain questions, and the addition of more interview questions to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issues related to indigenous chicken operations. This study underscores the significance of a preliminary study and its role in informing and shaping the subsequent main study. The findings and insights derived from this preliminary investigation contribute to the development of a robust research design for the main study in indigenous chicken micro-farming.
 Keywords: indigenous chicken, preliminary study, pilot study

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