
Abstract Over the past decades, the term -artificial lift- has mainly referred to the conventional techniques of downhole pumping (e.g., electrical submersible, sucker rod, progressing cavity, others) and gas lift. Today, a more comprehensive definition is becoming evident, a definition which matches all the major changes happening in the oil & gas industry. Accordingly, artificial lift is not limited to techniques conducted in the wellbore; instead, techniques used throughout the whole production system to "lift" the produced fluids towards their final destination are included. All petroleum wells’ production lives are brought to an end when the downhole reservoir pressure cannot deliver fluids traveling up to the processing facility due to high flowline pressure. Numerous technological approaches were practically implemented at many fields, approaching the end of their lives, to extend the field exploitation. One such technique is to introduce Multiphase Pumps to add energy to the unprocessed crude at the wellhead to transport oil / gas / water mixture to the Central Processing Facility (CPF) -without the need for preliminary separation or well interventions, to install downhole equipment- while maintaining an environmentally friendly performance as gas flaring is no longer required and oil spills are avoided. This paper aims at addressing the difficulties in the evaluation of multiphase Pumps; especially those handling high gas volume fraction (GVF). These problems are related to uncertainty about the approach adopted to test the pump. Minimal information about the multiphase pump performance leads to difficulty for any new pump model to evaluate its applicability as the performance curve of the pump is dependent on the inlet fluid properties, such as fluid inlet pressure, temperature, water cut, GVF, etc. Therefore, the correct prediction requires the evaluation of the pump performance for each change in fluid properties. The results of this study clearly demonstrate the tremendous effect of multiphase pumps in reactivating dying wells and enhancing production from brown fields providing a cost effective solution rather than conventional methods. Some operation challenges are very important to be considered especially when operating the pump at high GVF as a liquid recirculation system is required coupled with precise evaluation of system operational parameters to avoid gas flashing within the pump leading to reduction of pump efficiency. As well, solids handling measures upstream of the pump are essential to enhance the integrity of the system. This systematic, transformative research aims at improving our understanding of multiphase pumping and optimizing the operation parameters of Twin-screw pumps through data-driven models and field experiences leading to production optimization and sustainable future profitability.

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