
Stray light (SL) has emerged as a primary limiting factor for space telescopes. Pre-launch testing is essential for validating performance and identifying potential issues. However, traditional methods do not enable the decomposition and identification of individual SL contributors. Consequently, when problems arise, resolving them often involves a cumbersome and risky trial-and-error approach. The time-of-flight (ToF) method was recently introduced, employing a pulsed laser source and ultrafast sensor to characterize individual SL contributors. A proof of concept was achieved using a simple three-lens system. In this paper, we apply the ToF method to a real space optical system: the spare model of the CoRoT baffle. We successfully measured individual SL contributors over a dynamic range of 10−11, identifying direct scattering on vane edges and two-step scattering paths. Our results provide a performance breakdown, differentiating intrinsic baffle SL from contributions arising from experimental conditions. Notably, the ToF method allowed us to discriminate air scattering, eliminating the need for expensive vacuum testing. The ToF provides unparallel insights, including defects identification. For instance, we identified the presence of localized dust particles causing significant SL. These results confirm the utility of the ToF method even for the most challenging space systems.

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