
DaGangShan power station in China is being excavation at 1500 meters deep below earth surface, where the surrounding rock is affected by high initial geo-stress. Deep excavation of rock tunnels causes release of high initial geo-stress and produces unloading action. As thus, a series of representative unloading tests on hard granite from DaGangShan power station are carried out to simulate dynamically excavation process, and in unloading tests, the stress path of decreasing confining pressure along with increasing axial pressure is accepted. The results of tests show as follows: (1) Under unloading condition, lateral deformation occurs in the unloading direction and volumetric strain changes from compression deformation to dilation deformation. (2) Under unloading condition, crack deformation appears, which results in Poisson’s ration rise and deformation modulus decrease. (3) Under unloading condition, hard granites behave brittle failure and Mogi-coulomb criterion can well describe the failure characteristics.

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