
Abstract Current multistage hydraulic fracturing operations in shale are costly, environmentally challenging and inefficient. Multistage hydraulic fracturing operations already represent close to 60% of the total drilling and completion cost for each shale well. The industry studies reported that based on data evaluated in multiple shale basins in North America alone that up to 50% of the clusters and stages do not produce in geometric completion design. Shale E&P operators need more accurate, cost-efficient, timely and actionable data on the performance of individual fracturing stages and intra-well communication to enable improved decision-making and optimization of multistage hydraulic fracturing and completion strategy, as well as overall field development. This paper will describe a revolutionary smart tracer portfolio testing and design for multistage hydraulic fracturing stimulation. The technology enables the next generation of smart tracers coupled with advanced sub-atomic measurements that significantly reduce the completion cost and double the efficiency of the hydraulic fracturing treatments. An automated process with stringent quality control assured precise tracer addition onsite and provided accurate and actionable completion diagnostics results at fraction of the cost for high-cost measurements (e.g., PLT, DTS & DAS). The integration of smart tracer portfolio with intelligent-completion diagnostics for E&P customer enabled by performance-flow-profile data. This data used to optimize completion strategies, achieve optimal production per foot, and reduce completion cost. Follow-up big-data analytics and 3D fracture-modeling delivered accurate, calibrated, actionable, and cost-effective completion-diagnostics results. Since tracer data are captured over several months, E&P operators are captured access to continuous flow profiling data to optimize well performance routinely when new completion-diagnostics results are received. This will enable E&P operators to significantly reduce operating cost and optimize production in shale wells.

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