
792 SEER, 88, 4, OCTOBER 2OIO thewaysin whichdifferent interests come to dominatein different typesof capitalism and,until we areable todo research intostrategic decision-making in Russiancompanies, ourunderstanding willbe limited. The secondpartofthebookis lesswellfocused. The chapters are diffuse, lack unifying themesand are less theoretically relevant. They coverlabour and tradeunionsin Belarusand the Visegradstates;tourism in Bulgaria, environmental concerns inLithuaniaand theriseofinformal networks inthe Czech Republic,Slovenia,Bulgariaand Romania.Hereperhapsmoreproactiveeditingmighthave encouragedthe contributors to followsome of the themesof theearlierchapters.For instance, thechapteron environmental regulation in Lithuaniaoutlinessomeoftheenvironmental problemsin the Sovietand post-Soviet period;herewe couldhavehad an analysis ofthedifferent kindsofpollution in theearlierperiodcomparedto thelatter and the structural waysthatan administered andmarket economy recognize and solve (orconveniently ignore) theproblems. How does 'democracy and themarket' promotea good environment and what are the intrinsic propertiesof stateplanningwhichled to environment protection beinglargelyignored. Some comparisons aremadewithothercountries (e.g.Lithuaniaand France, p. 194)but theseneed to be contextualized in termsof GDP and levelof industrialization. The data utilizedin thebook relateto theearlyyearsofthetwenty-first century and earlier, and couldwellhave been updatedforpublication here. This is a collection whichhas some good informative chapters.Many will stimulate thinking and research on post-socialist states. University ofCambridge David Lane Walker,Gregory, and Simmons, J. S. G. (eds). University Theses in Russian, Soviet andEast European Studies igoj-2006: A Centennial Bibliography ofResearch inthe British Isles.MHRA Bibliographies 3. ModernHumanities Research Association,London, 2008. xv + 239 pp. Indexes. £30.00; $65.00; €45.00. In 1967,the lateJohn Simmonspublishedin OxfordSlavonicPapers the earliest listofthesesapprovedforhigher degreesin British universities in the fieldof Slavonicand East European studies.Simmons'slistbegan chronologicallywithT . P. Themelis'saudacious dissertation on the relationship between theWestern and Orthodoxchurches from thefallofConstantinople to the Enlightenment, which was awarded an OxfordB. Litt,in 1907. Thereafter, at roughly fiveyearintervals, Simmonsand,from1987,Gregory Walkerpublishedupdatesin Oxford Slavonic Papers, whileat the same time addingin detailsofthesespreviously overlooked and extending theirsearch toincludeSouthern Ireland.In 2000,Oxford Slavonic Papers ceasedpublication andthelistfor19972001wasaccordingly published inthis journal(SEER,82, 1,2004,pp. 132-98).The present volume,editedbyWalker,unitestheeight previously publishedlistsand carriesthe list forwardto 2006, hence its description as a 'CentennialBibliography5. reviews 793 Aswithprevious lists, theamalgamated bibliography breaksdownthefield into sections:Agriculture, Archaeology, Art and Architecture, Crime and Prisons,and so on. Inevitably, thereare some thesesthat could fitinto several categories.Rather than repeat information, however,the editor provides an authorindexand a mostthorough subjectindex.And thebibliographyis thorough in everyrespect.Inevitably, the readeris first drawn to checkhis own entry (correct!) and thenthoseof colleaguesand friends. In thecourseofbrowsing, thepresent reviewer thought at first thathe had alightedupon severalomissions.Investigation revealed,however,thatthe gapsarosenotfrom editorial error butfrom somequalifications notbeingas academically 'robust'as their holders werewontto imply. The bibliography recordsPhDs and MPhil theses,includingthosesubmitted as partofthetaughtOxfordMPhil.Although inclusion ofthelatter skews statistical analysis, theexpanding number ofhigher degreesin Slavonic and EastEuropeanstudies makesitimpossible toclaimthatthisisotherthan an alreadyhighlypopulatedfield.In the first sixtyyearscoveredby this volume,fromThemelisto 1967,therewere on averageabout fiveto ten thesespresentedeveryyear. Betweenthe Prague Springand 1989, the annualnumber grewfrom thethirties totheseventies. Itnowhovers ataround 120thesesperyear.To putthisfigure in perspective, in ModernBritish history200 thesesare currently awardedhigherdegreeseveryyear;in Ancient History abouttwenty. The fateof thebibliography mustremainuncertain. Gregory Walkeris retired and mustlook in timeto a successor.But university teachersnow have to mindresearchoutputsand metrics, and are professionally inconveniencedifseen as a 'harmlessdrudge'.For theirpart,librarians, however academicallyinclined,are too busythesedays fixing wirelessroutersand attending healthand safety meetings. The original homeofthisbibliography was Oxford Slavonic Papers, whichdied aged fifty forwant of editors.If a scholarcan be foundtofurther thelegacyofSimmonsand Walker, thenthis journalshouldgladlymakespace in a fewyears'timefor'University Theses in Russian,Sovietand East EuropeanStudies2007-201 1' SEER Office, UCL SSEES Martyn Rady ...

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