
One of the classic problems in the language classrooms is the lack of students' writing motivation. The teachers and the lecturers have tried many strategies to improve this motivation but it seems like they need to understand the emotional factors influence their students' motivation to interact through writing. Students' written products are rarely found, especially in academic context. Some projects are finally accomplished to motivate the students and one of them is through computer assisted language learning, including blogging. Students are seemed so engaged themselves in computerized interaction like chatting in the social media. They spend lots of time happily in the front of their devices to interact each other, even with their classmates which are in the same room in the same time. It is reasonable to do a research to figure out what and how this happens. The result consequently applicable to improve the students' motivation in writing. From literature reviews, it is assumed that there are sorts of emotional aspect which need to be taken into account. Therefore, this research is conducted. This research attempts to figure out emotional triggers which emerge the students' motivation in interacting textually via social media. By employing questionnaire as the main instrument for data collection, this research tries to collect information as many as possible to be interpreted and it is hoped to find an exhaustive data to be discussed descriptively. Students of some universities are involved as the respondents in this research. It is expected that this research can give a clear view towards the motivations underpin the students' frequently written interaction through social media.

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