
The main purpose of this present study is to nd out the experiences and difculties faced by the students who are studying in different central universities of India. For this purpose, researcher used descriptive survey method. Student's Experiences and Problem Scale was prepared on the basis of six dimensions. It consists of 51 items and responses were collected on the ve-point rating scale. Sample of this research was 70 students of different central universities of India and they were selected through random sampling technique. The main ndings of the study reveals that the 70% university student's experienced and faced the average Online Learning Problems related to net connectivity, proper electric supply, availability of gadgets like android mobile, laptop and desktop etc. 94.3% students are found in the higher category of Digital Competence and literacy problem. 74.3% university students showed that they experienced problem in Time Management & distractions in online learning. 88.5 % students are found in the average category of nancial problem for online learning like high speed net connectivity and availability of mobile/laptop/desktop. Psychological Issues like improper posture, eye sight problem, headache and poor mental health are found in 95.8% students. The Findings of the study, reveals that online learning fullled the necessities of emergency teaching –learning process but it can't replace the benets of face-to-face mode of teaching –learning process.

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