
In 2024, the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant will be celebrated. The Kant society of Germany has already announced the decision to hold the anniversary Kant Congress in Kaliningrad. The jubilee Kantiana brings with it the possibility of promoting not only scientific and pedagogical issues, but also has significant chances of becoming an event that will positively affect the international image of various Russian cities and universities. In connection with future events, the interpretation of the legacies of the great philosopher of the Enlightenment in university audiences of the 21st century is of particular relevance. The author of the article puts forward a new methodological and methodological hypothesis. Presentation of Kant for a modern student audience fits into the chronotope: past-everyday life-future. This matrix affects not only the construction of lectures and seminars within the university. This also refers to the creation of new urban images and communicative spaces: theatrical productions, world exhibitions, city holidays. The author widely quotes famous directors who created actual daily life in their performances or city projects. Our contemporary Shakespeare, Our contemporary Kant these are the conditions of modern culture. A similar actualization is seen in innovative educational and methodological texts, in the so-called Kantian, on the website of the Kant Baltic Federal University. The article also presents another thematic turn, relevant for modern students of a medical university, in which the author of the article directly teaches. The article claims that Kants interpretations of consciousness; space-time; transcendence and transcendence up to certain boundaries diverge from the concepts of modern physiologists and psychiatrists, which does not remove the significance and evidentiary power of the great philosopher of the Enlightenment. Based on the above, the following conclusions are formulated in the article: the modern Kantiana contains a variety of scientific heritage and is rooted in everyday culture. Kants legacy is used in university lectures, seminars, and websites, which does not remove the inevitability of expanding the urban Kantian. The strategies of the universities of the 21st century require the actualization of the past and relations with the future of the city. Under these conditions, the anniversary of the great German philosopher I. Kant in the Russian city of Kaliningrad can become another platform for intercultural communication with students from different cities and countries.


  • ■■ В 2024 году состоится празднование 300-летия Иммануила Канта

  • The jubilee Kantiana brings with it the possibility of promoting scientific and pedagogical issues, and has significant chances of becoming

  • In connection with future events, the interpretation of the legacies of the great philosopher of the Enlightenment in university audiences of the 21st century is of particular relevance

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Город и университет XXI века: философия, повседневность, будущее. ■■ В 2024 году состоится празднование 300-летия Иммануила Канта. В связи с грядущими событиями особую актуальность приобретает интерпретация наследий великого философа эпохи Просвещения в университетских аудиториях XXI века. Преподнесение Канта для современной студенческой ауди­тории укладывается в хронотоп: прошлое – повседневность – будущее. В статье представлен и ещё один тематический поворот, актуальный для современных студентов медицинского вуза, в котором автор непосредственно преподаёт. Канта в российском Калининграде может стать ещё одной платформой для межкультурной коммуникации со студентами разных городов и стран. UNIVERSITY OF THE XXI CENTURY: PHILOSOPHY, EVERYDAY LIFE, FUTURE. For citation: Burlina EYa. University of the XXI century: philosophy, everyday life, future. The jubilee Kantiana brings with it the possibility of promoting scientific and pedagogical issues, and has significant chances of becoming

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