
<p>The enclosed scientific abstracts represent final year research proposals of the 2017 graduates who have completed the BSc Hons in Paramedic Studies programme.</p><p>Preface:<br />Education for ambulance personnel has traditionally followed a vocational model, and despite a much<br />wider range of clinical and decision-making skills being introduced in training, typical academic attributes have not formed part of the traditional pre-hospital curriculum.</p><p>As with any fledgling profession, core skills such as research, critical appraisal of the literature, journal finding and publication of work still comes as alien to many within the Paramedic arena. In 2015 the Paramedic Studies department of the Graduate Entry Medical School, University of Limerick, launched the inaugural Paramedic Studies honours degree in Ireland. As part of the final year project students are required to identify a research area and prepare a full research proposal, it must of course be founded on sound scientific principles, be well versed and address a true pre-hospital research question.</p><p>This document showcases the abstracts of such proposal for Ireland’s second cohort of graduates - the 2017 class. Readers should note these are proposals only. Bodies wishing to support the full development of such proposals are invited to make contact with the Paramedic Studies department whereby appropriate contacts can be made.</p><p>Paramedic Studies, Graduate Entry Medical School, University of Limerick, Ireland. paramedicstudies@ul.ie</p>

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