
In May 2012 the Rio+20 summit confirmed a 30% global decline in wildlife since 1970. Following on from the United Nations (UN) International Year of Biodiversity in 2010, global declines in biodiversity have never had such high profile. Rio+20 has been billed as a chance for world leaders to put global society on a sustainable path and an opportunity for the world to get serious about the need for development to be sustainable (Black 2012). For development to be truly sustainable this must include conserving, on a landscape scale, the valuable ecosystem services that biodiversity provides (TEEB 2010). Not only does this mean protecting and enhancing natural and semi-natural landscapes, but also restoring green and blue infrastructure of high biodiversity value in urban areas. As such, rather than merely targeting conservation efforts across the broader countryside, biodiversity also must be returned to our cities, towns and suburbs by breaking up expanses of hard impermeable surfaces and creating niches within which nature can take a hold.

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