
The influence of reforms on the promotion of female higher education in Russia is examined. Attention is focused on changing the foundations of public life and socio-economic transformations, which result in the need for vocational education for women. It analyzes not only the economic motives that have become the engine of women's higher education, but also spiritual motives, the struggle for the emancipation of the woman’s personality and the human person in principle. It shows the unanimous attitude of the professorial corps on the issue of education for women and the presence of women in the classroom with young people. The situation with the university issue at the end of the XIX century, the emergence of a broad public campaign requiring women's equality in higher education is investigated. The changes in the attitude of Russian society towards higher education for women are conceptualized; female education is supported by the initiative of the society and its material means. It is concluded that the female issue acts as a barometer of public mood, women choose career and social activities instead of arranging the family hearth, and this indicates a change in traditional worldviews and values.

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