
LONDON.—The following degrees have recently been awarded:—D.Sc. in chemistry on H. Martin (Imperial College—Royal College of Science) for thirty-one published works on the “Elucidation of the Mechanism of the Toxic Action of Insecticides and Fungicides used for the Control of Crop Pests and Diseases”; D.Sc. in physiology on Dame Anne Louise Mcllroy (University professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at the London (R.F.H.) School of Medicine for Women) for a thesis entitled “Researches upon the Prevention and Treatment of Asphyxia in the New-born” (Med. J. and Record, Nov. and Dec. 1933); D.Sc. in zoology on Ethelwynn Trewavas (private study) for published works entitled (1) “The Hyoid and Larynx of the Anura”, (2) “Enteropneusta”, (3) “A Revision of the Cichlid Fishes of the genus Lethrinops, Regan”, (4) “Scientific Results of the Cambridge Expedition to the East African Lakes, 1930-31. II. The Cichlid Fishes”, (5) “A Contribution to the Classification of the Fishes of the order Apodes, based on the Osteology of some rare Eels”, (6) “On the Structure of two Oceanic Fishes, Cyema atrum, Gunther, and Opisthoproctus soleatus, Vaillant”, together with three conjoint subsidiary contributions.

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