
El talento humano juega un papel fundamental dentro de la estructura operativa, táctica y estratégica de las organizaciones, las cuales están apuntando a contar con personal mejor cualificado y capaz de hallar soluciones a los problemas y retos que enfrenta para el sostenimiento de su ventaja competitiva. En este contexto, el aprendizaje organizacional y la universidad corporativa, como herramientas, tienen una tendencia de aplicación cada vez mayor. El presente trabajo realiza un estado del arte sobre dichos conceptos, mostrando sus tendencias de acuerdo a una escala de clasificación definidaPalabras clave: Universidad corporativa, aprendizaje organizacional, entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, competenciasCorporate university and organizational learning: a theoretical frameworkAbstract: Human talent plays a key role in the operational, tactical and strategic structure of organizations, which are targeting to have a better qualified staff who find solutions to problems and face challenges to sustain its competitive advantage. In this context, Organizational Learning and Corporate University, as tools, have a trend of increasing application. In this vein, this paper aims to give the readers a conceptual framework about the application and state of the art on Corporate Universities and Organizational Learning. Applying the methodology of classification proposed by Lage and Godinho (2010) in their research, different sources were analyzed and classified in order to develop a theoretical framework. In particular, the papers were classified according to seven topics: a) Geographical location in which the research was developed, which refers to the place where its subject of study was located (America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East and/or Oceania); b) Sector in which the research was conducted, that is, the sector where the Corporate University was created, taking into account sub-levels of classifications (textile, automobile and metal-mechanical industries, healthcare industry and educational sector); c) Main topic of research, which was divided into five (5) categories (Integral organizational learning systems, Virtual learning environments, Corporate university, Enterprise-university programs and Information Technologies (IT’s) used); d) Educational strategy, which represents all educational strategies raised in the research related to the topics under study, using sub-categories as Training Programs, Virtual Education programs, Classroom programs in higher education and Hybrid educational development programs; e) Related information technologies, which deals with the use of ICT in the process of educational development and using subcategories used for this topic: Virtual Platforms, Implemented programs on the intranet and Platforms on the cell phone; f) Competency-based approach, considering whether or not the program was made based on competencies and g) Results obtained, which refers to the successfully achievement of the results expected when the research was planned. The consulted literature was classified under the previous mentioned criteria, in order to show the readers the impact of Corporate University and Organizational Learning. The findings of this study and the theoretical framework are shown at the end of this paper. Researchers and practitioners will find this synthesis useful since it can be considered an important aid to analyze the rationale under these approaches for staff developing in the current context of organizations. Finally, the results show that there is extensive research about virtual learning environments, continuing progress in corporate universities and there is an open and growing field toward integrated learning systems in organizations. It was found that Corporate Universities show a major growing trend, and it is expected that they could be compared in size with traditional universities in the long term since they have the advantage of offering specific and applied solutions to those problems organizations face day by day.Keywords: Corporate University, Organizational Learning, Virtual Learning Environments, Competencies

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